Did you realize your brand builds trust and cuts through your ideal client’s decision fatigue?

Can we just spend a few minutes talking about brand loyalty?

When we began the month in our house with Covid along with a few other unexpected surprises and it seems to have hit me the worst. Which in the midst of figuring out what is necessary to get done, what can get put off and what is just straight canceled until we're better — I started thinking about brand trust

 Just hear me out. 

For me, already in the midst of a pandemic and juggling all the things, I quickly learned that I just needed to limit the decisions I was making. So at this point, I grocery shop at one store regardless of better prices on certain things for certain products elsewhere or sales, etc. I do all my home/random shopping at one store — if it doesn't have it, I probably don't need it or don't have time to find it. I started buying clothes from one company and one company only, I know their sizes fit, they have a great return policy and it's so helpful to limit my options. You might be feeling the same way.  I know that limiting my options to stores and brands I trust for quality, service and ethical responsibility I've really found a greater peace of mind knowing that I don't have to look through all the options available in the entire world anymore, I know my places. These brands have my loyalty. 

Your brand helps your clients cut through their own decision fatigue when you're consistently showing up. They know what you offer, they know what they can expect from you, they know the quality you deliver.  Your brand can position you as the expert they need to take their business to the next level. Your brand can show your ideal client that you are the solution to their success.

I'm never the brand designer telling you to spend money before you're ready or on things you don't need, but when you've built the solid foundations of a business with a stellar customer service experience and out of this world offers or products — it's time to invest in a brand. 

 And if you don't think your brand matters. Just try to feed your tiny (or big) human this week an off-brand food (think a different ketchup, or cereal, or mac and cheese). Even tiny humans know a brand matters. 


If you want help please hop on a discovery call with me I'd love to talk through what services might work best for your business.


Are you Accidentally Introducing Doubt into Your Client Experience?


If you shift your mindset, you'll find that your brand helps you cut through your own decision fatigue.