Are you assuming your ideal client knows more about you then they really do?

Ok, maybe it's just the military spouse in me — constantly moving and needing to reestablish side of me but are you sure that when your client gets to your social media, website, lead magnet, they know who you are, what you do, and how to get in touch with you? I can't tell you how many times I'm searching for a new hairdresser (seriously, my least favorite thing) or dentist and I end up on a website that's under construction. On a website that has no actual way to contact anyone. On a website that has no way to check the credentials or experience of the person, I'm looking to work with.


I don't want you to miss out on a client because you forgot to introduce yourself or give them a way to get in touch! 


Let's just do a quick little 3-step check: 

  1. Do you have information on how to contact you in the footer of your website? This is the place I scroll to first when I'm trying to get in touch with a service provider or business and because it's the same on each of your web pages, it's the perfect place to capture a potential client. Let people have a phone number or direct way to email you and give them another place to book a call with you!

  2. Do you have direct links to book a call or email you in your social media profile? Do you have a quick description of your services? This is a good is better than perfect situation. If nothing else just get some links in place so as people are checking you out, they can get in touch right away!  

  3. Do you introduce yourself on your website, lead magnet, and social media? Don't forget, you never know who is watching or checking you out. Regular reminders of who you are on social media with a longer explanation of your why and your background on your lead magnet and social media could be the personal connection that draws a potential client in and a way to highlight your expertise and credentials! Add in a clear call to action (the first step that you want them to make) to take things to the next level.  

Hope this helps you give your potential clients more ways to connect with you so that can capture those aligned clients! Need help creating a brand that will attract those ideal clients? Schedule a discovery call with me and we can chat about taking your brand to the next level.


Is your business suffering from brand diffusion? Get refocused in 4 easy steps.


What feels like losing momentum in your business — is actually setting the foundation for your success