Magnetic Attraction: Refining your Ideal Client

There are so many variables that go into defining and refining your ideal client. It's one of the first steps I walk through with any client that books in with me and I'd like to think I do things a bit differently. 

I have found that a lot of us can get stuck in perfecting the ideal client avatar around some inconsequential attributes and really this can be a huge hindrance. On the other hand I find there are some really pertinent questions that never get asked. I don't want you to feel stuck with an unrealistic idea of an ideal client because you're now tied to them having a specific coffee order or number of kids. Truly this client avatar will be changing and evolving as you gain real life experience with clients and further refine who you want to work with. This should be something that changes as you get feedback from clients and refine how you want to work and with whom. 

So, when I'm working with clients I like to work through things from big picture down to the details. To start, gather as much information as you can about your own business: your mission, vision, values, your services, how you want to work, your competitors, your market, your location or space, etc. Knowing your business is the first step in knowing what client will be attracted to your services, what clients need you to help them solve their problems, what clients need the transformation you offer. 

You'll then follow this same process for your potential clients. Start to understand things like, where they shop, where they aspire to shop, what they listen to, what they read, what their career looks like, what their home life looks like, what their free time looks like, etc.

Once you've gathered all the information on your business and potential client you can start to find the magnetic attraction between your business and a potential client. 

Start asking yourself things like “With the information I have”: 

  • Does this client have the time to invest in my services, and if not can I overcome that objection? Do I want to overcome that objection?

  • Does this client have the resources to invest in my services, and if not are they the type of client that will put this on credit or stretch to make it happen? Do I want to work with clients that are stretching to work with me?

  • Does my business match with my client's aspirations? Does my business offer a transformation they value?

  • Does my business stand out from the competition in one specific way, or many ways? Can I craft messaging to highlight these differences and attract my client?

  • Do my values align with my ideal client's values? Is that important to me?

  • Does my business offer a solution to my client that they can't resist (save them time, streamline or automate their systems, keep them in their zone of genius, help to support their goals in meaningful ways, etc.) 

You may realize in the course of this that you need to:

  • Redefine your ideal client, maybe who you had in mind is actually not a good fit for your business or services now that you're looking at the information.

  • Get more specific with your idea of an ideal client. Maybe instead of just saying you serve women maybe it's women who are entrepreneurs in the beauty industry.

  • Maybe you realize your services aren't a match for the client you want to work with and so you adjust your offerings.

Whatever you discover in this process I encourage you to think of it as an evolving concept that needs input and feedback.
Don't forget that the idea of an ideal client is a great foundation for your marketing and branding but you won't know until you actually start working with clients. Don't forget to get out there! 

If you’re looking for more help, this is exactly the first step we take in a Brand Identity Audit, feel free to book in a
Discovery Call to see if it might be a good fit for your business, or if you know you’re ready, book a Brand Identity Audit Kickoff Call straight away.


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